Computing & IT
With higher than average salaries and the chance to be both technical and creative, jobs in the computing & IT industry are much sought after. In Greater Manchester alone, there will be around 22,000 jobs in this sector by 2022, with over 3,000 new positions by the end of the decade, as businesses of all types rely on the expertise of graduates in this field.
You could be doing what you’ve always dreamed of, by designing, building and coding games as a software developer, or you might want to hack systems as a paid job, protecting and securing the IT infrastructures of large businesses. With so many varied roles, the choice is yours!
Top Career Opportunities

IT managers
Average Salary £41,100

IT business analysts, architects and systems designers
Average Salary £47,947

Programmers and software development professionals
Average Salary £45,203

IT operations technicians
Average Salary £33,493
Explore Computing & IT Career Opportunities
Please take a moment to interact with the Labour Market Information (LMI) card to explore the different job opportunities available.
The Labour Market Information will give you an insight into the skills you will need for future employment and details such as:

Job Figures and
Expected Industry Growth

Average Salaries and
Progression Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Explore the jobs you can apply for, once you complete different course levels.
Cyber Security Technician
Data Technician
Digital Content Administrator
Digital Device Repair Technician
Digital Front End Developer
IT Solutions Technician
IT Technician
Network Cable Installer
Applications Support Lead
Business Analyst
Computer Systems Analyst
Cyber Intrusion Analyst
Cyber Security Technologist
Data Analyst
Digital Content Manager
Digital Forensic Technician
Digital Learning Designer
Digital Project Manager
Digital User Experience
Network Engineer
Software Developer
Software Tester
Artificial Intelligence Data Specialist
Cyber Security Specialist
Data Analytics Specialist
Data Scientist
Digital User Experience (UX) Professional
IT Consultant
IT Project Management Specialist
Network Engineer Specialist
Software Engineer
Computing & Digital
In 2022, there’s expected to by 22,000 jobs in Computing & IT in Greater Manchester. Do you want to be leading the way?