Get in touch
Course Enquiries and Admissions
03333 222 444*Calls to this number are charged at local rate
Head OfficeThe Manchester College
Ashton Old Road
M11 2WH
Press and Media Enquiries
Group Head of PR & Public Affairs
07803 015 495Group Head of Communications and Punctuality Contact Details
Attendance and punctualityStudent Support and Careers and Welfare team remote contact numbers
Careers & Welfare team can discuss your options with you and help you make the best decision for the future. Or if you have any question about funding or welfare matters. If you’d like to speak with a member of the team, you can call us on 03333 222 444 or email us.
careers& any of our sites are closed please serve any notice electronically. you’d like to know more about a specific course, ask a question about applying, or find out about the college, we’re here to help!
If you’d just like to send us a general enquiry or request more information, you can use this form here. Our dedicated teams can answer any question you have about our courses, our campuses or our facilities, and they’ll be able to connect you with the appropriate department or person if you need more specific information on any of our services and programmes.
The Manchester College has a mission to listen to and share knowledge with our students, colleagues and stakeholders. To make a suggestion or request, give feedback, or ask a question, please fill in the form here.
Make a course enquiry
Click here to view our privacy notice and find out more about how we will use the information you have provided when applying for a course at The Manchester College.