
By Michael Puddifoot - Careers & Welfare Site Leader

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Higher and Degree Apprenticeships – what you need to know

Apprenticeships are fabulous opportunities.  They combine work and training and they are open to everyone aged 16 or over living in England.

They are taught at different levels:

Name Level Equivalent Education Level
Intermediate 2 5 GCSE passes at A*-C / 9-4
Advanced 3 2 A-level passes / Level 3 Diploma
Higher 4/5 Foundation Degree / Higher National Diploma
Degree 6/7 Bachelor's or Master’s Degree

They are available in a wide range of areas including:

Transport and Logistics Creative and Design
Sales and Marketing Digital
Law, Finance and Accounting Construction
Health and Science Catering and Hospitality
Hair and Beauty Care
Engineering and Manufacturing Business and Administration
Education and Childcare Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care

Unlike college courses, apprenticeship vacancies are advertised throughout the year with quite immediate start dates.  However, Degree and Higher Apprenticeships can be the exception.  The majority of these will start in September but opportunities will start to be advertised in October with application deadlines as early as February or March.  

The Amazing Apprenticeships website lists a number of organisations with their typical apprenticeship start dates and application deadlines on their Time to Apply page.

The website issues a Higher and Degree Vacancy Listing which is updated in February and November with current vacancies along with application deadlines.

The main national website in England to search and apply for apprenticeships is the Find an Apprenticeship Service. You can register with this service now.

Once you are registered you can search for the subject/sector and level of apprenticeship you are interested in as well as how far you are prepared to travel.  You can then set up an email alert for new vacancies so that you can apply in good time.  You can set up more than one search and email alert.  

Vacancies can also be found on individual company websites.  If there is an organisation you’d like to work for, search for apprenticeship opportunities on their website – which may appear under ‘Early Careers’ or ‘Work with us’.  For a sample of organisations that offer apprenticeships see the Amazing Apprenticeships website. And you can use the UCAS Industry Guides to look at the information on apprenticeships offered by companies in a range of industries.

Another valuable source of information is the Prospects website which has a section on Degree Apprenticeships which lists high-profile companies and the type of apprenticeships on offer.

The Prospects website also lists some of the universities that are involved in delivering Degree Apprenticeships in particular subjects and sectors.  You can use the UCAS website to search for the same information by carrying out a course search from the home page and then selecting Degree Apprenticeship in the filter.

Although you cannot apply direct through a university for a degree apprenticeship, you can usually register your interest on their website for new vacancies as they arise in the apprenticeship subjects they offer.  In addition, UCAS has its own section for information on Degree Apprenticeships.

Searching for vacancies direct with apprenticeship training providers is another way to source opportunities.  The Manchester College works closely with the training provider Total People which offers apprenticeships in the areas of Business Services, Creative Professions, Health and Social Care and Technical Trades. 

And you can search for other training providers in Greater Manchester by industry sector and level on the GMLPN website.

We wish you well with your apprenticeship search.  Please come to see us in the Careers and Welfare Hub on your campus or contact us as below to discuss anything in this blog.

Email: careers&
Tel: 03333 222 444 
The Manchester College
Careers and Welfare Team