Changes to results day
With results day at The Manchester College fast approaching, students due to get their results this month need to do things a little differently.
The College’s priority is the health and safety of all students and staff, so students will this year be able to access their results via their College email account.
Results for BTEC L3, A Levels, BTEC L2 and GCSEs will be released on the following dates:
- A Level and BTEC L3 - Thursday 13 August from 8am
- GCSE and BTEC L2 – Thursday 20 August from 9am
Results for UAL qualifications will be released on the following dates:
- Level 3 and Level 4 - Thursday 13 August
- Level 1 and Level 2 – Thursday 20 August
Students awaiting results for any other qualification will be notified once released by the designated awarding body.
If you are due to receive your results on the 13 or 20 August please ensure you have your College email account login details to hand.
If you have forgotten your College email login details or need any help accessing your College email account, please call 0161 674 3333. When prompted, please select Option 3 only. You can do this anytime between 8am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Results will not be available to collect on campus so please do not attend our sites as College staff will not be in attendance.
Our Careers & Welfare team will be available from 8.30am on both days to offer general advice and student support. They can be contacted by calling 03333 222 444 or emailing careers&welfare@tmc.ac.uk , as well as Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm.
In addition, a virtual Careers & Welfare Q&A session will also be held on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 August. Please see below for more details and links to the sessions.
If you would like to appeal your results or sit an exam in the Autumn term please email ResultsAppeal@tmc.ac.uk
A Levels only
Results published 13th August
Any student requesting a resit must submit a request by 1st September
Any student who wants to request to make an appeal must do so by 13th September
GCSE only
Results published 20th August
Any student requesting a resit must submit a request by 13th September
Virtual Careers & Welfare Q&A
A virtual Careers & Welfare Q&A session will be held on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 August. The drop-in session will be delivered via Microsoft Teams from 8.30am to 4.30pm on both days. Students needing general advice can click the following links on their chosen day to access the group support session:
Thursday 20 August – Microsoft Teams Q&A
Friday 21 August - Microsoft Teams Q&A
If you have any queries please contact 03333 222 444.
Find out all the information you need about receiving your qualification results this Summer with the student qualification guide.