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The Manchester College students visiting BBC

BBC Creative Media Camp Victors Enjoy an Experience Day

Students studying in Industry Excellence Academy for Creative & Digital Media visited the BBC as a prize for winning the organisation's Creative Media Camp.

The winners of the BBC Creative Media Camp recently had an industry experience day with the BBC, meeting with senior creatives who shared examples of their work and fielded questions about finding success in the industry. 

The day provided the winning students with the opportunity to learn from senior BBC creatives to help support their academic and career goals and provided an opportunity to ask questions about how networking can impact future employment opportunities. 

They also reunited with several BBC panellists who named them the winners of the Creative Media Camp last October. The Camp was a collaboration between The Manchester College, BBC Creative and The Ideas Foundation to prepare students for industry by pitching a campaign including social media, trailer, slogan and out-of-home posters.

Kylie Fung, a Level 3 Game Art and Development student, commented: "It was exciting to win and spending a day at the BBC was really good. It was very educational, and I learned how to network with professionals. I think this experience will help me to break into the industry."

Kylie's teammate Lily, a Level 3 Motion Design and Animation student, also spoke enthusiastically about the experience, saying: "I really enjoyed the boot camp and winning with my teammates was great. It was amazing to talk to industry professionals and asking questions about my future was something I'd never normally get to do."

Lead Tutor of Motion Design and Animation Katy Rushton said, "We are so proud of all the students who attended the BBC Media Camp. It was a wonderful week and allowed students to develop their employability skills. 

"The bonus experience day for the winning team gave our students a brilliant opportunity to discover more about the creative industries and prepare for their future careers."

Lead Tutor of Game Art and Development Ben Elson added, "It shows how our courses equip students with wider employability skills so they can take advantage of opportunities that take them out of their comfort zone."

Find out more about The Manchester College's Industry Excellence Academy for Creative & Digital Media and apply today.