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National Careers Week

National Careers Week

What you can expect from National Careers Week (2 – 6 March).

National Career Weeks kicks off Monday 2 March and The Manchester College and UCEN Manchester are looking forward to hosting an entire day of exciting and motivating activities.

On Thursday 5 March, students will be able to speak to employers, watch demonstrations and speak to highly qualified careers specialists at a Careers Extravaganza.

This will be the perfect opportunity to find out more about careers and the future job market, learn about the new T Level Qualifications and attend workshops about looking for work or progressing to higher education.

Representatives from Apprenticeship provider, Total People will be there to offer advice on alternative career routes as well as colleagues from UCEN Manchester for those who wish to look into progressing onto Higher Education.

In addition, there’s always time to have fun in the games zone and enjoy a hotdog on us!

National Careers week runs from Monday 2 March to Friday 6 March and is a celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people leaving education.

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