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Staff Profile: Alison Acton

SEND Transition Officer

Can you summarise your amazing career journey from your first role to your current role?

My first role with The Manchester College was Care Lead for the college’s Choices course (a supported curriculum course for students with profound and multiple learning disabilities). 

In early 2015, the SEND Transition Officer vacancy was advertised, I applied for the role and I am pleased to advise I was successful. 

As part of my continued professional development with The Manchester College I have been on a training course which enables me to deliver moving and handling training to colleagues. Which is something I am proud of (another feather in my cap) and really enjoy.

In total, how long have you worked at The Manchester College?

3 years

What has been the highlight of your career?

The highlight of my career to date was attaining the SEND Transition Officer role. The work is really interesting and varied, and because the role was new when I started I have been heavily involved in the evolution of the position.

What advice would you give to anyone who wants a career in your industry/role?

You need to bring a flexible approach to your work and enjoy working with people. It’s also important you’re passionate about supporting others to achieve their goals and ambitions.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself?

When I was 19 years old I worked for Camp America in Vermont for 3 months. It was so much fun and a great learning experience!