Diagnosing electrical faults on cars helps Luqman get ready for industry
Luqman Qayyum applied to study on the L2 Auto Electrical course. ‘There is no other college local to me that offers this course’ he said.
‘The industry has changed and most components on cars are now electrical. There are less mechanical faults to deal with and more electrical faults as wiring and sensors often go faulty!’
The course teaches us how to identify where the problems are and how to test sensors using a range of diagnostic tools.
'I enjoy working the problems out and diagnosing the main causes of the faults. Most of them are to do with the wiring and sensors malfunctioning!’
‘I’d like to work for a main dealership or progress onto a level 4 qualification at university to study Automotive Engineering and go into more depth about how the individual components operate. I’m really interested in learning how the electronic control units work and the computer programming that sits behind it all.’