Sports student bags many awards
Student award winner and London 2012 Olympic Torch Bearer Daniel Bird is aiming high and continues to strive to succeed. We caught up with him to discuss his achievements and his passion for sport.
Daniel has just started his third year at The Manchester College, studying on the BA (Hons) Sports Coaching and School Sports course.
As well as studying, Daniel has recently qualified as a level two gym fitness instructor and studied for a Level 3 exercise and disability course. He wants to be a role model to inspire other people with disabilities to take up sport. ‘Planning is key for me’, he says. ‘I find it difficult to think on the spot, but the work placements have helped me develop the skills and learn about developing sessions to deliver. I really want to change perceptions of disability in sport and help people with disabilities realise the benefits of exercise’.
Following an extremely successful gym work placement, Daniel has been involved in assisting his local leisure centre to successfully secure funding from Greater Sport / Sport England to provide weekly sessions to a number of disability groups in his local area over the next six months.
Daniel has an impressive list of achievements and has been recognised for his contribution to sport. He was nominated as the Volunteer of the Year in both 2008 and 2012 in the Bury Sports Awards Annual Awards. In 2013, he received the title of Prestwich Special Recognition Awards and gained the title of Disabled Sports Achiever of the Year in 2012, 2014 and is this year’s current holder, recently receiving this award for the third time.
He was invited to the grand re-opening at the ‘Copper-Box’ Olympic Stadium where Barry McGuigan presented him with an award and he met Lord Sebastian Coe.