Annual Reports
Annual Reports
Over the last six years The Manchester College has been on a transformative journey that has seen our ‘Careers not Courses’ ethos evolve into our ‘Industry Excellence’ model which ensured that many of our students studied on a course that has input from an employer. This model of employer engagement was recognised when the College was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2021.
Our ‘College 2027’ strategy aims to build on this with a single, clear mission: to improve lives and economic success through learning and skills. Underpinning this is a broader vision to create ‘inclusive growth’, connecting our students to the opportunities that living in one of the fastest growing cities in the world provides. To achieve this, by providing the right skills, support and progression routes, the College must ensure that nobody is left behind, whatever their background or starting point, or locked out of the opportunities that exist to secure a rewarding career in Greater Manchester.