Graphic Design and Digital Communication

Extended Diploma Creative & Digital Media

Course Details

Extended Diploma
Subject Area
Creative & Digital Media
Age Group
16 - 18

City Campus Manchester
(Full Time - 2 years)

City Campus Manchester
(Full Time - 1 year)

Leaflet Code

Course Gallery

This course has been co-developed and designed with our industry partners and is one of our Industry Excellence Academy programmes. This means that you will be working with industry specialists, giving you consistent opportunities to learn the skills required to work in the creative and digital sector.

During your time on the course you will have the opportunity to be exposed to a large range live briefs and projects that reflect the work that the industry is working on right now. Through this course you will learn skills to help you specialise in graphic design and communication, including areas like print design, digital design, branding, motion graphics, UX design & social media campaigns.

We've put employment-focused skills at the heart of the course so you can confidently apply for creative and production jobs straight after leaving College.

You will undertake employability sessions as part of your course and work towards increasing your soft skills in order to make you more employable. You will also be required to complete a work placement of at least 35 hours which could see you working with one of our employer partners.

Please Click Here to view the specific entry requirements for our 16-18 Study Programmes.

Work Experience is a vital part of the course and you will be supported in finding a work placement relevant to your study.

This course is assessed through written reports, blogs and diaries, sketchbooks, portfolio development, image creation, design solutions, audio-visual recordings, one to one feedback and interviews.

There are no formal examinations connected to this course. Students overall grade will come from the final project assessed by tutors and moderated by the exam board at the end of each year.

Upon successful completion of this qualification, you could progress on to degree-level study with our higher education partner, UCEN Manchester. Students progressing from The Manchester College will receive a cash award through the Achievers Scholarship.

Click Here to explore courses and apply.

You can also complete a foundation degree in Creative Arts and Digital Media or apply for another university level degree course.
Alternatively, you could progress straight on to a career as a:
• Graphic designer
• Illustrator
• Art worker
• UX designer
• UI designer
• Front end web/apps designer
• Art director
• Content creator in marketing
• Pattern designer
• Packaging designer
• Print designer
• Apparel designer

Careers page

This course is free to enrol on if you're 16-18 years old, but if you're over 19, you might have to pay a tuition fee for this qualification.

If you need help with affording college, there are a number of different finance and funding options available to you. You might be eligible for special bursary support or extra help from the government. Have a look at our fees, finance & funding page to find out all the information you need.

Fees, finance and funding page

Do you have a burning question about this course, or would you like to know more about the qualification you'll receive and how it will help your career?

Our course enquiries team is on hand to help you understand any details and answer any questions – whether it's about applying for the course or finding out about finance. Just get in touch here!

Make an enquiry

In one of The Manchester College’s 19 Centres of Excellence you’ll develop the skills and gain the qualifications that you need to take the next steps towards your dream career.

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In our unique Industry Excellence Academy you’ll benefit from a programme of study that has been co-developed, and is co-delivered, with one of our industry partners.

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Creative & Digital Media

In a subject area that covers an incredible range of topics and disciplines – from animation and photography to directing videos and designing video games – you’ll never be stuck for choice in a future career.

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