Calling All Employers!
Why helping young people makes great business sense.
If you’re a local employer and are passionate about the future of this wonderful city, why not partner with the college that proudly bears its name?
Supporting a student on their employability journey is a two-way street: You are preparing a young person for the world of work whilst benefitting your business at the same time.
We make it easy for you
Now is the perfect time to contact our dedicated Employability & Partnership team at The Manchester College and find out how you can get involved. We’ll support the whole process, keeping things transparent and simple for you, whatever form of engagement you choose for the new academic year.
Quality-driven work experience
Whilst there are many different options to consider on our employer section, offering an industry placement (315 hours / 50 days) is a great way to engage with potential future talent as it allows a young person to make a sustained and tangible impact on your day-to-day activities or special projects.
In preparation for the national launch of the new T-Levels, we’ve been organising and supporting these extended placements for the past two academic years on government-led pilots. We therefore have the know-how and track record to make it a great experience for both you and the student you choose to host.
What’s in it for your business?
Talent pipeline: Your placement student could be a potential future employee and a 50-day placement is a great chance to get them invested in your company’s mission, values and brand and seeing how they perform day to day
Upskilling current staff: Think you don’t have the capacity to host a learner? Why not upskill an existing member of staff by appointing them as student mentor and getting them to induct and monitor the young person, taking part in our assessment reviews – all good CPD opportunities
Continuous support: If you’re hiring an apprentice, why not fill the time when they are away at college by offering an industry placement to cover those days. That way, you continue to have the support of an extra member of staff throughout the whole period
Boost your brand: We promote our partnerships on social media, around our nine campuses and at regular networking and Thank-You events
Great CSR: It provides you with tangible evidence towards achieving Commitment #5 of the GM Good Employment Charter and helping to address the current skills shortage
Your bottom line: Last but not least - the 50-day placement is all unpaid.
Industry is an essential partner in preparing young people for life after college. So join hundreds of like-minded employers who already work with us and help shape the workforce of tomorrow. Just email us on and our team will be in touch.