Student Careers Service

The Student Careers Service offers impartial careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) to potential, existing and progressing students within The Manchester College.

Our team members are qualified and experienced advisors, and the service is accredited to the national Matrix quality standard. We fully comply with the Department for Education’s statutory guidance and are proud to say we are meeting 100% of the Gatsby Benchmarks, the national framework for good CEIAG in all schools and colleges in the UK.

How our Student Careers team can support you


Careers and Welfare Site Leaders

Greta Headley
Shena Simon/Harpurhey

Matt Snowdon
City Campus Manchester

Michael Puddifoot
Openshaw/City Labs

Nicola Kassam

Steve Broadbent

Career Leaders

Wendy Butterworth
Careers and Welfare Manager

Michael Puddifoot
Careers and Welfare Site Leader

Head of Department

Stephen Brobbin
Head of Careers, Employability and Welfare


When you book in for an appointment with us, we’ll get to know your current position, talk about your future goals, and help you put a plan into place to get there. We’ll give you all the advice and guidance you need on finding and choosing your perfect career path, helping you to explore a range of different options.

We’ll help you develop key skills that will make you more employable, give you advice on the right courses and qualifications to take, and give you advice on work experience and volunteering.

The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what would class careers provision in education looks like and provides a clear framework for organising the careers provision at The Manchester College.

The 8 Benchmarks are:

1.  A stable career programme
2.  Learning from careers and labour market information
3.  Addressing the needs of each student
4.  Linking curriculum learning to careers
5.  Encounters with employers and employees
6.  Experiences of workplaces
7.  Encounters with further and higher education
8.  Personal guidance

To find out more visit the Gatsby website.

The Manchester Colleges Careers Service is evaluated on Gatsby by the Careers and Enterprise Company, and we are currently meeting 100% of the benchmarks.

You can book an appointment with a member of Careers and Welfare by speaking to one of the team, a receptionist, or by contacting us via email careers&

Alternatively, you can have a quick question answered during our Touch Point service, which is delivered during lunchtime every day.

Whatever your current situation, we can guide to your next step, whether that’s continuing your Further Education journey or moving on to Higher Education, employment or an apprenticeship. We’re here to provide you with the tools so you can make an informed decision about your career path. 

We offer a wide range of tutorials to support your educational journey, including topics such as entrepreneurship, choosing a university, and navigating student finance. To see the full range  download the Student Careers Service Handbook  to see the full range.

Tutorials are booked by tutors, so if you feel that your class would benefit, please make your tutor aware. 

The Job Club is an opportunity for you to improve your employability skills. Careers and Welfare staff are on hand to provide CV advice, guidance on how to effectively answer interview questions, where best to search for employment opportunities, and more.

Additionally, you can find out more about The Manchester College’s Job Shop during this time. 

To find out when the Job Club is delivered on your campus, please speak to a member of Careers and Welfare staff.

Whether it’s an appointment, tutorial or workshop, the Careers and Welfare team regularly make use of a wide variety of digital resources. Below is a list of some of the tools we use for you to explore at your own leisure.

National Careers Service
Useful for identifying the qualifications required, and working expectations of 100s of jobs. 

Used when comparing overseas qualifications to UK standards.

Find an Apprenticeship
A government operated database of apprenticeships.

The Greater Manchester Apprenticeship & Careers Service is packed with advice, tips and information designed to help you find everything you need to make choices about your next steps. 

Labour Market Information (LMI) cards (available within our dedicated careers section)
Both GMACS cards and our LMI cards give insight into jobs, salaries and trends for employment industries relating to your subject area.

UCAS is the encyclopaedia for university courses and all things Higher Education.

Discover Uni
Useful for searching and comparing undergraduate degree courses in the UK.

Similar to UCAS and the National Career Service, Prospects can give information on relevant courses, employment opportunities and industry specific information regarding your subject area.


University isn't the only path to a successful career.  This section explores a range of apprenticeship options that can provide you with the skills and qualifications you need to succeed in your chosen field.  These apprenticeships can offer valuable work experience and a competitive salary while you learn.  Take a look at our leaflets to see if an apprenticeship might be the right option for you.