Cisco CyberOps Associate

Certificate Computing & Digital

Course Details

Subject Area
Computing & Digital
Not Applicable
Age Group

Distance Learning
(Distance Learning - 16 weeks)

Leaflet Code

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Online self-paced. Estimated time to completion: 70 hours, 16 weeks tutor support and lifetime access to course materials and labs. Automatically entitled to membership of our Cisco Academy ASC Alumni with access to employers, free courses and many other benefits.

This course introduces the core security concepts and skills needed to monitor, detect, analyse, and respond to cybercrime, cyberespionage, insider threats, advanced persistent threats, regulatory requirements, and other cybersecurity issues facing organisations. Gain practical, hands-on skills needed to maintain and ensure security operational readiness for securing networked systems. Some networking and/or security experience is desirable.

Course Details
Target Audience: IT professionals who wants to pursue a career in Security Operations or students enrolled in technology degree programmes.

Course Delivery: Online self-paced with access to personal subject specialist tutor.

Learning Component Highlights:
28 chapters and 46+ practice labs
6 Cisco Packet Tracer activities
113 interactive activities, videos, & quizzes
1 practice certification exam
28 chapters and 46+ practice labs
Certification aligned 200-201 CBROPS exam
Score 70% on the final exam and earn 50% certification discount from Cisco towards VUE/Pearson exam

Course Recognitions: Certificate of Completion, Letter of Merit, Digital Badge

Prepare for Careers 
Develop skills for entry-level security
1 practice certification exam operations centre (SOC) jobs
Prepare for CyberOps Associate certification
Pursue a career in cybersecurity operations, a rapidly-growing, exciting new area that spans all industries

Requirements: PC or laptop with Virtual Box (free) or VMware Workstation

CCNA or some networking experience

Online assessment

Cisco DevNet, Foundation degree in network security or engineering

Careers page

The cost of this course is £250.00.
Please note that this is a short online course which is self-funded and needs to be paid in full on the enrolment date after you have applied for the course.
Unfortunately there are no exceptions for applicants who are Asylum Seekers or those on benefits although we do accept sponsorship from employers.
If you have any further queries, please contact us on 03333 222 444 or

Fees, finance and funding page

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Our course enquiries team is on hand to help you understand any details and answer any questions – whether it's about applying for the course or finding out about finance. Just get in touch here!

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Computing & Digital

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