- Has a clear goal and is determined to achieve it (whether long or short term)
- Has a goal and wants to achieve it
- May not have a clear goal, or has a goal but shows little determination to achieve it
- Does not have a clear goal, or has a goal but shows no determination to achieve it
- Contributes well in all class activities
- Contributes well in most class activities
- Only occasionally contributes effectively to class activities
- Does not contribute to class activities
- Regularly completes 4 – 5 hours independent study for the subject per week
- Generally completes around 3-4 hours of independent study for the subject per week
- Generally completed around 2-3 hours of independent study for the subject per week
- Completes very little independent study for the subject
- Has a neat folder and notes
- Keeps notes and folder fairly neat
- Notes and folder are generally scruffy
- Has a disorganised folder and notes
- Organise time very well so that all tasks are completed to deadline
- Organises time well, so that most tasks are completed to deadline
- Does not organise time well; deadlines are frequently missed
- Does not organise time well; deadlines are usually missed
- Seeks out feedback that allows them to develop their performance
- Accepts and responds well to feedback to help them to develop their performance
- Does not respond effectively to the feedback provided to allow them to develop their performance
- Does not respond to the feedback provided to allow them to develop their performance
- Responds well to challenge or difficulty, seeing it as an opportunity to develop
- Generally tries hard to overcome challenge or difficulty
- Is too easily put off by challenge or difficulty
- Responds negatively to challenge or difficulty