Parent College Useful Information
Parent College Useful Information
Communication between college and parent/carers is vital in order to monitor and support the progress of your child. Below you’ll find all the different ways in which we might get in touch with you to keep you up-to-date. You can also explore the different policies and safeguarding procedures we put in place to ensure your son/daughter will have the best possible experience at The Manchester College.
Attendance and Punctuality
Excellent attendance and punctuality are key employability skills. Employers need employees who turn up and turn up on time. In addition, time away from college can impact on level of achievement.
All elements of the programme of study are important to your son/daughter’s future success and we ask for your support in ensuring they attend and work hard for all classes in their programme.
We expect all students to be well prepared for all lessons. This means they must be on time, appropriately dressed (wearing the ID badge which we supply) and ready to study and take pride in their full programme of studies. We want our students to show good, respectful behaviour to both fellow students and staff as we support them all to be ready for the world of work.
We would like to remind you that your son/daughter should not take holidays in term time. If it is unavoidable, written permission must be requested from the Head of Curriculum. An absence of more than two weeks may mean your child cannot catch up and will be unable to complete their course.
If your son/daughter is going to be late or absent due to illness, you must report this via the attendance email or telephone contact displayed below. This message will be relayed to tutors and registers will be marked accordingly.
Attendance and Punctuality Contact Details
Location | Telephone | |
CitiLabs | 0161 674 1523 | |
City Campus Manchester |
0161 674 3339 or 0161 674 3573 | |
Harpurhey | 0161 674 3262 | |
Openshaw | 0161 674 2962 or 0161 674 2282 | |
Shena Simon | 0161 674 3629/3543 | |
Wythenshawe | 0161 674 2748/8134 | |
British Values
At The Manchester College we promote British Values and this is so that we can encourage students spiritual, moral, social and cultural developments. The British Values embedded into the college are:
- Democracy (having your say, taking the opportunity to give feedback, take the opportunity to be a study programme rep or a member of the Student Council)
- The Rule of Law (understanding and following our shared rules and expectations for the benefit of all members of the college community)
- Individual Liberty (be the person you want to be while respecting the right of others to be themselves; understanding we do not all share the same beliefs or opinions, to listen, debate and learn from each other)
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance (including of those with different faiths and for those within faith)
Learner at Risk, Support and Disciplinary
Students are expected to behave in a professional and respectful manner whilst at college. This ensures all students feel safe and can learn in a supportive, respectful environment which is preparing everyone for future employment or further study. In relation to behaviour, the College Positive Behaviour Policy, Student at Risk Policy, Attendance and Punctuality Policy along with the Student Disciplinary procedures are in place.
For students who require additional support, the student’s Achievement/Personal Tutor, Tutor or one of the college support team may work with students to develop a Green, Amber or Red Support Action Plan. These Action Plans are in place to support students to achieve their potential at college. The Support Action Plans are supportive and does not mean that behaviour is below expected levels.
Disciplinary Action
Depending on the situation in relation to behaviour, the college Learner at Risk, Support and Disciplinary Policy is in place to respond when a student’s behaviour does not meet expected standards. This includes any incidents of bullying or harassment and is also used if a student’s attendance or punctuality falls below expected levels.
Based on a student’s behaviour, a D1, D2 or D3 Contract may be agreed with the student. Where necessary parents/carers may be required to be involved in the meetings.
Students may move through each of the above support/disciplinary stages or be moved directly onto the appropriate stage for the behaviour that needs to be addressed.
At each stage, if behaviour improves, students can be taken out of the process to reflect their improvement. If the same behaviours are repeated, a student may go back into the procedure at the necessary level.
It is important to be aware that if the D2 contract and Action Plan do not lead to improved behaviour that this could result in a final written warning and could seriously jeopardise their successful achievement and future progression.
For very serious behaviours or attendance concerns that do not meet the college standards, it may be necessary to escalate to a D4 stage to determine what action is required which may include temporary exclusion or possible permanent exclusion from college.
Attendance Management is a distinct element of developing students’ Skills, Knowledge, and Behaviours, thus contributing to personal development and employability. High levels of attendance correlate with higher levels of progress and success on a student’s programme of study. It runs in parallel to the Disciplinary procedure.
Based on a student’s attendance performance, a Attendance Management (AM) escalation and de-escalation process will be activated AM1, AM2, AM3 and a Contract will be agreed with the student. Where necessary parents/carers may be required to be involved in the meetings also.
Our Contact With You
The contact we have with parent/carers is very important and can be:
- By Phone, email or text
- Through the online ProPortal for parents/carers – personalised log-in required
- At parent/carers evenings or other planned events
- Meetings bringing together the student, parents/carers, teaching and support staff
- Through progress review/reports
Programme of Study
When your son/daughter joins The Manchester College they will enrol on a Programme of Study, which has been carefully tailored to meet your child’s needs and offers breadth and depth in order to increase options for future study of work.
The study programme will include:
- Core qualification e.g. a BTEC, vocational course or T Level
- Support: 1-1 and Group Tutorials, individual support, bursaries
- English & maths (depending on prior qualifications)
- Employability: work experience, volunteering, employability skills
- Enrichment: activities, trips, student ambassadors/council, competitions
- Directed and Independent self-study
Tutorial Entitlement
All students will have a named Achievement Tutor recorded on the Learner
Information Portal (LIP). They are responsible for the delivery of the tutorial curriculum and for ensuring your son/daughter receives appropriate support.
We’re committed to supporting your child and ensuring they feel included and valued as an individual. We will provide them with opportunities to voice their opinion and will challenge them to support their development. We will also use regular tutorials to monitor their progress, provide constructive feedback and review targets to help them reach their full potential, and challenge them to be successful on their study programme.
English and maths
All study programmes will support the development of English and maths skills. For students who have not yet achieved GCSE grade 4+ or A*-C in English or maths their study programme will include classes in these subjects, at the appropriate level. Students who have already achieved GCSE grade 4+ or A*-C in English or maths will be encouraged and provided with opportunities to continue to develop these important skills.
Employability skills are the ‘tool-kit’ of transferable skills that your child needs in order to succeed in their career. These skills can be developed in a range of ways and will sit alongside the technical/academic skills, knowledge and behaviours they gain on their core qualification. Employability is a key part of their Programme of Study and college experience. We will help them to assess and develop these skills through employability sessions during the year and by helping them to secure a work placement suited to their career aims.
Enrichment at The Manchester College is an important part of your child’s experience as a student. They will take part in activities that help them to learn new skills, develop interests, keep fit and healthy and provide them with opportunities to gain employability skills and be work ready.
Enrichment activities include:
- Sports activities
- Clubs and societies
- Attending workshops
- College wide competitions
- Guest speakers
- Community projects
- Volunteering; DofE, NCS, Enrichment Champions, Respect Champions and Ambassadors
- Attending campus events and celebrations
Student Safety, Safeguarding and Prevent
All FE providers have a duty to safeguard their students. As a college we are committed to safeguarding all our students and will ensure support services are available when our students need them. We will always act in the best interests of our students to keep them safe and to support them to make positive personal choices.
As a college we have specific ‘Prevent’ duties which are in place to safeguard our students and to keep them both safe and within the law. The Prevent Duty is not about preventing students from having political and religious views and concerns but about supporting them to explore their concerns and to learn more about what is important to them in a safe and supportive environment.
We ask all our students and staff to wear ID badges at all times when on any of the college campus sites. Anyone not wearing ID will be challenged and this is for their own safety and the safety of others. If your son/daughter loses their ID badge they will have to purchase a new one for £2.
All students are required to follow the college’s Student Information and Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy when using and accessing college technology and the Internet.
Term Dates
Our Term Dates page has all the latest information on term dates for classroom-based programmes in the college, including half terms and bank holidays.
Supporting Our Students
The Manchester College is committed to ensuring all our students receive the support they may need to achieve and enjoy college.