First Day Information
First Day Information
Here you can find information that you'll need for your first day.
Plan your journey
Before you set off for college on your first day make sure you plan your journey.
Familiarise yourself with the location, travel and parking options at the campus you'll be studying at using our locations page .
You can check travel schedules across Greater Manchester on the Transport for Greater Manchester website.
Did you know, if you're under 18 you may be eligible for Our Pass which grants you free bus travel across Greater Manchester. Find out more information on the Our Pass website.
What to bring
For most courses you will need to bring a bag, pen and notepad for your first day.
You may be studying a course which requires special equipment, for example, boots, chef whites or IT equipment, however, you'll find out more about what you'll need and how to get support with this during your induction week.
Be visible
ID badges must be worn at all times on your college lanyard and visible outside of clothing.
- To keep our campus safe
- To get access to the campus
- Print allocation for copiers and printers (top up at library reception)
- Free college meals at college catering outlets – weekly allocation
Forgotten it? You must sign in at reception and be given a temporary wristband
Lost it? You will be issued a new one which will incur a £2 administration fee.
Attendance and punctuality are integral and fundamental to your learning.
The core expectation for all students regardless of whether it is online learning or face to face is:
- 100% attendance
- 100% punctuality
We recognise though that this is a challenge for some students. It is your responsibility to notify the college using the campus specific contact details that can found at the Customer Service Desk on your campus.
Students experiencing consistent attendance and punctuality issues and are considered to be at risk of failing to achieve or of withdrawal may find themselves subject to our Fitness to Study process or our Student Disciplinary Process.
You must attend all of the time and be on time.
If you are unable to attend please contact us on 03333 222 444.
Fire evacuation
In the event of a fire follow the instructions from supervising staff / Fire Wardens.
- Evacuate the building immediately in an orderly manner by the stairways, following the shortest available and safest route
- DO NOT use the lifts
- DO NOT stop to collect belongings
- Proceed directly to your assembly point
- Remain at the assembly point until instructed to re-enter by the Fire Wardens
If you need help to leave the building in an emergency evacuation, possibly due to hearing, visual or mobility issues, you need to inform a member of staff so that arrangements the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) can be put in place to ensure your safety.